Backup Minecraft server with BorgBackup
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Backup Minecraft server with BorgBackup


1 - Prepare external backup storage

2 - Backup the server

Tutorials used as reference: Sebsauvage wiki

1 - Prepare external backup storage

Mount USB drive to write data on it

Tutorial used

First, we need to list all the USB drives attached to our computer (I only have one), but we could have multiple ones:

sudo fdisk -l

The result should be displayed like so:


or like this:


We create a folder where our USB will be mounted. It has to be on "media" and we will name our folder "backup":

sudo mkdir /media/backup

And then we mount the USB onto that folder we just created:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/backup/

We check that it is correctly mounted:

mount | grep sdb1
minecraft@sb20srv2:~$ sudo mount | grep sdb1

We will have an answer that looks like this:

/dev/sdb1 on /media/backup type vfat

If all went well, we can access our USB data simply by navigating to our previously created mount point:

cd /media/backup

In order to mount your USB in Linux permanently after reboot add the following line into your /etc/fstab config file:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

And we add the following line on the file:

/dev/sdb1 /media/backup vfat defaults 0 0

Also, it is better to do it with the UUID:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/*

We add to the same file (/etc/fstab/):

/dev/disk/by-uuid/8765-4321 /media/backup vfat defaults 0 0

2 - Backup the server

Now let's backup our Minecraft folder into the USB drive using Borg Backup from the terminal. GUI exists, and can be viewed here. For more information about it, view the official website
First, we install it:

sudo apt install borgbackup

Then, we need to initialize Borg by telling him where we want to save the data. We add /minecraft to the path, so he adds this folder.
If we tell directly /backup, an error is shown because he has no rights on that folder.

borg init --encryption=repokey-blake2 /media/backup/minecraft

Create first backup

We will create the first backup of the folder we want to the USB drive we just mounted. The first backup can take longer, be patient.
In this example, we will backup the "documents" folder onto the USB drive, but adding the subfolder where we want it inside of "backup". We also add "--stats" to obtain information about sizes of backups and duplicated files.

sudo borg create /media/backup/documents::{now} /documents --stats

List the backups created

sudo borg list /media/backup/minecraft

Verify backup integrity

Nw that we have made several backups, we want to ensure that these are correct and won't present a problem when restoring them. To do that, we run this command:

sudo borg check -v --progress /media/backup/minecraft

3 - Automate the process

Work in progress